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Gamca Medical Tests For Children And Pregnant Women

Individuals who plan to work or live in GCC countries must undergo AMCA (Gulf Approved Medical Centers Association) medical checks. However, there are special standards and exemptions for youngsters and pregnant women. Here is a breakdown of the GAMCA medical test requirements and exemptions for each group.

GAMCA Medical Test Requirements for Children

Children of expatriates travelling to GCC countries with their families are typically exempt from the complete medical testing requirements imposed by GAMCA. Because the goal of the medical test is to guarantee that individuals entering the country are free of communicable diseases and other serious health hazards, children under a particular age are normally not subject to the same medical examinations as adults. Here are some crucial issues to consider.

GAMCA Medical Test Requirements for Pregnant Women

Because of the potential health hazards associated with certain medical examinations, pregnant women must go through a different procedure. Here's how the GAMCA medical test is tailored to pregnant applicants:

Important Points to Keep in Mind


The GAMCA medical test for children and pregnant women addresses unique health and safety concerns, including exemptions or adjustments to normal standards. Children under the age of 12 are normally excused from full testing, however basic health paperwork may still be necessary. Pregnant women are excluded from certain examinations, such as chest X-rays, to protect the fetus's health; nevertheless, they may still be required to perform other noninvasive procedures. Effective communication with GAMCA centres, employers, and relevant authorities is critical to ensuring a seamless medical screening procedure for these populations.